Nutrition in Bacteria

Nutrition in bacteria is primarily categorized into two major groups, namely autotrophic and heterotrophic. Classification of bacteria in terms of nutritional requirement typically depends on the energy sources, whether in the form of light or chemical energy. Some bacteria obtain energy directly from the sunlight. However, a few bacteria get chemical energy by utilizing inorganic and organic carbon compounds as their sole energy source.

Autotrophic bacteria are photosynthetic organisms that can prepare food for themselves in the presence of sunlight and bacteriochlorophyll pigments. Oppositely, heterotrophic bacteria represent a group of organisms that depend on another host for food and survival.

Therefore, bacteria’s heterotrophic mode of nutrition is classified further into saprophytic, symbiotic and parasitic modes of nutrition based on the feeding mechanisms and the host type. This post describes the definition of nutrition and nutritional types of bacteria with examples.

Content: Nutrition in Bacteria

  1. Definition of Nutrition
  2. Nutrient Sources
  3. Energy Sources
  4. Nutritional Types
  5. Conclusion

Definition of Nutrition

Nutrition is a process in which living organisms acquire energy and nutrition through their surroundings to carry out various cellular processes. All living organisms have different nutritional requirements for growth and development. Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms that need energy and nutrients to undergo activities like growth, reproduction, and metabolism.

Nutrient Sources in Bacteria

Bacteria necessarily require macronutrients (such as carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur) to build important biomolecules (proteins and nucleic acids) that constitute most cellular components.

Bacteria need micronutrients (like iron, boron, chromium, and manganese) in trace or minute amounts to perform electron transport chain reactions and other processes.

Energy Sources in Bacteria

They obtain energy from direct light and the oxidation-reduction reactions of different chemical compounds present in our environment. Depending upon the energy sources, the nutrition in bacteria is mainly autotrophic and heterotrophic. Phototrophic bacteria possess bacteriochlorophyll pigments to synthesize food, while heterotrophic bacteria rely on another host for food and energy.

Nutritional Types of Bacteria

Depending upon the energy, electron and carbon sources, bacteria can be classified into different groups, as mentioned in the diagram below. Phototrophs and chemotrophs are the two groups of bacteria that obtain energy through direct sunlight and chemicals.

Then, lithotrophs and organotrophs represent a bacterial group that use reduced inorganic carbon and organic compounds as electron donors, respectively. At last, bacteria utilizing carbon sources are grouped into autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Nutritional types of bacteria

Photoautotrophic and chemoautotrophic bacteria exhibit autotrophic nutrition, whereas photoheterophic and chemoheterotrophic bacteria exhibit heterotrophic nutrition. Chemoheterotrophs either undergo saprophytic, symbiotic and parasitic modes of nutrition.

Based on Energy Source

  1. Chemotrophs includes organisms that rely on chemical energy obtained through the oxidation of chemical compounds. Such organisms use a chemosynthesis mechanism where they use the energy released by the oxidation of inorganic molecules to make organic substances. Based on the cellular carbon source, chemoautotrophs and chemoheterotrophs are the two common types. Conversely, chemoorganotrophs and chemolithotrophs are the two groups of chemotrophs based on the origin of a hydrogen donor.
  2. Phototrophs include organisms that utilize light energy or capture energy photons. Such organisms use a photosynthesis mechanism where they use light energy to make organic molecules. Based on the cellular carbon source, photoautotrophs and photoheterotrophs are the two common types.

Below, you can look into the table that mentions all the types of bacteria based on different energy sources.

Nutritional ClassNutritional Types of BacteriaEnergy SourceElectron SourceCarbon SourceExamples
PhototrophsPhotolithotrophsLightInorganicCO2 or organicThiospirillum, Chromatiium etc.
PhotoorganotrophsLightOrganicOrganicRhodospirillum rubrum
PhotoautotrophsLightInorganic or organicCO2Cyanobacteria, Green sulfur bacteria and Purple bacteria etc.
PhotoheterotrophsLightOrganicOrganicGreen nonsulfur bacteria, Purple nonsulfur bacteria etc.
ChemotrophsChemolithotrophsChemicalInorganicCO2 or organicHydrogen, Iron and Sulfur oxidizing bacteria etc.
ChemoorganotrophsChemicalOrganicOrganicPsuedomonas pseudoflova
ChemoautotrophsChemicalInorganic or organicCO2Sulfobolus

Based on Electron Source

  1. Lithotrophs use reduced organic compounds as electron donors and thereby using a lithotrophic mode of nutrition. They can be further categorized into chemolithotrophs and photolithotrophs.
  2. Organotrophs use organic compounds as electron donors and thereby undergoing the organotrophic mode of nutrition. They can be further classified into chemoorganotrophs and photoorganotrophs.

Based on Carbon Source


They typically make food from inorganic sources (H2O, CO2, H2S salts). The autotrophic bacteria are of two types:

  1. Photoautotrophs capture the photons of sunlight through bacteriochlorophylls and convert them into chemical energy. They generally reduce CO2 to carbohydrates. Inorganic substances serve as hydrogen donors.
  2. Unlike photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs do not require light and chlorophyll pigments. These bacteria undergo oxidation-reduction reactions of certain inorganic substances. As a result of this, the energy is released or the reaction is exothermic. Chemoautotrophic bacteria derive this energy to carry out the synthetic processes of the cell.

They obtain their-ready made food from organic substances, living or dead. These are of two types:

  1. Photoheterotrophs harness light energy but do not utilize CO2 as the sole carbon source. They fulfil carbon and electron requirements through organic compounds. Such bacteria possess bacteriochlorophyll pigment.
  2. Chemoheterotrophs derive energy from organic sources like carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Depending upon the mechanism of how chemoheterotrophs get their organic nutrients, there are three main categories listed below.


Therefore, we can conclude that the nutritional types of bacteria rely upon different energy sources like light energy and chemical energy to undergo various cellular processes.

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