How to Fill out the Toastmaster Membership Application

Every member, not just club officers, should be
aware of how to fill out the Toastmaster application.

Everyone should know how to add new members to your
club by knowing how to process new member applications. Use only one method of submission — mail, fax or online — to avoid duplication.

  1. Obtain the applications by downloading and printing
  2. Our Club Number is 1957
  3. Our district is District 8.
  4. To determine the Membership Type, ask the person
    if he/she has ever been a Member? If no, mark New. If yes and was
    a member of your club, determine if the person has taken a break
    for over 6 months – past the last renewal period (Reinstated) or
    within the last 6 months of renewal period (Renewing).If the person is already a member of one or more clubs and wants
    to join your club, mark Dual. If the person is currently a member
    of another club and wants to transfer his dues from this club to
    yours, mark Transfer.
  5. If the person joining was previously a member of your club,
    you can look up the number through the Club Business section of
  6. Have the person fill out as much information
    as possible to avoid holding up the application. For the New Member
    Sponsor, ask the person who recruited the person and encouraged
    him to join. You want to credit the individual as the Sponsor.
  7. For payment, use the following guide :

Club New Membership Dues – $10.00
Member Dues – $1/month

– Dual Members do pay the TI $36 for each club.

– Reinstated members do not pay the the TI New Member fee or the club new member fee.


New member fee for Toastmasters International

TI – New Member Dues – $20.00
TI – Membership dues __.__ = $4.50 x (month(s) to March or September,
Club New member fee 10.00
Club Dues $1.00 X (# month(s) to March or September,
Total __.__

Reinstating Member Dues (Break in membership)

TI – New member fee N/A
Membership dues __.__ = $4.50 x (month(s) to March or September,
Club Dues __.__ = x (month(s) to March or September
Total __.__

Renewing Member (no break in membership)

TI-New member fee N/A
TI-Membership dues – 6 X $4.50 = $27.00
Club Dues 1.00 x 6 months = $6.00
Total $33.00

Dual Member Dues

They don’t pay the TI New Member Fee

TI – Membership dues __.__ = $6.00 x (month(s) to March or September,
Club New member fee $10. 00 (if a new member;
zero if renewing)
Club Dues $1.00 X (# month(s) to March or September,
Total __.__

Transfer from Club Number / Club Name

TI – New member fee N/A
TI – Membership dues N/A
Club New member fee $10.00
Club Dues $1.00 X (# month(s) to March or September,
Total __.__

  1. Ensure that the applicant and an officer sign
    the application. Vote the member into your club and record the date
    and name of the member on your official record.
  2. Collect the amount for the International fees
    and dues and your own Club fees and dues. If the applicant wants
    to pay in cash but doesn’t have enough to pay all of the fees, he
    may pay for the International fees and dues using his credit card
    by filling out the credit card information. The Club dues can be
    paid in cash. If a check is used, have the applicant write out the
    check to your club’s account. Make a copy of the check for the Treasurer’s records. The Treasurer will deposit the applicant’s check and write out a check from the club’s account and mail to Toastmasters International.
  3. For faster processing, you may go online at under Club Business. Use the information from the hard copy application to fill out the online application. Pay by credit card or debit
    card. If you use your own credit card, get reimbursed by the Treasurer
    from the club’s account.Note: New and Renewing categories
    can be processed online. The others will need to be mailed in. When online processing is completed, the club officer will receive a email confirmation.

Use only one method of submission — mail, fax or
online — to avoid duplication.

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